What's inside?
Whether you are exploring nursing as a career or you are already a nurse wanting to continue your education, this free step-by-step guide will help you find out if a career in nursing is right for you, show you how to get started in nursing successfully, explore your nursing career options, find schools and organizations and more.
Getting Started in Nursing
Find out why there may never be a better time to become a nurse. To access descriptive information on each degree, please click on Explore Nursing Degree Options in the navigation above. To access information on schools and programs in Connecticut, please click on CT Schools in the navigation above.
Advancing Your Career
Already a nurse? This CT Nursing Guide showcases all advanced and graduate degrees in Connecticut. This information can be accessed at the right utilizing option 3.
You can access resources and information on nursing by clicking on All Resources in the navigation above.
Seeking a Coach? Seeking a Nursing Coach to help you in selecting a nursing program?
Our nursing coaches can support nurses at all levels with selecting the Education Program that best meets your individual needs. The Coaches will offer “intentional advisement” to insure that your Personal and professional needs are aligned with the school& program type to your educational, social and financial needs to foster academic success and retention; and receive unbiased counsel and resources to assist you to select education / training programs most suited to your needs. Click on Resources to see a list of coaches.