Degree Option: Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing - BS/BSN
Program: RN
School: Mitchell College
Part Time: N/A
Full Time: 36 months
# of General Education Courses: 10
# of Nursing Courses: 22
Website: Link to Mitchell College Admissions Page
Email: admissions@mitchell.edu
Phone: (860) 701-5037
Articulation Model: No
Advanced Placement: Yes
Cost per hour: see website
Tuition and Fees: Link to Mitchell College Financial Aid Page
Website: Link to Mitchell College Nursing Tuition Page
Email: financialaidoffice@mitchell.edu
Phone: (860) 701-5465
Mitchell College’s nursing program is built on our abilities-based model—which teaches adaptability and resiliency throughout the curriculum—the Mitchell BSN is designed to empower and support students from different backgrounds and experiences.
Preparing dedicated and diverse nurses with the ability to think critically and strategically has shown to produce better outcomes than care received by nurses who possess only an associate degree.
Mitchell College is committed to addressing the critical shortfall of nurses in today’s healthcare system, with a focus on the State of Connecticut. Connecticut currently has more job postings for nurses than for any other job across the state.
A vital part of the nursing curriculum is hands-on work in our brand-new, on-campus simulation (SIM) lab. Students develop both critical thinking and clinical skills in an interactive instructional environment that connects classroom instruction to real-world experiences. In the SIM lab, students practice, under observation, a range of procedures, from routine to complex, using a combination of high-fidelity and low-fidelity manikins. This is an essential step in honing their skills and applying them in a setting that emulates real life.
Nursing students also complete clinicals (patient-care experiences) in each nursing semester, exposing them to a variety of healthcare settings and patient populations. By joining established local partners such as Yale New Haven Health Lawrence + Memorial Hospital, which is just a few blocks away from campus, Mitchell is leveraging the rich resources and opportunities for learning and practice that we have in our local community.
Mitchell is known for being a community that embraces, celebrates, and supports differences to enable students to realize their own possibilities and explore every side of themselves. The nursing program is no different. The program embodies the foundational principle of person-centered care, with respect for diversity, differences, preferences, values, needs, resources, and the determinants of health unique to the individual.
Rolling Admissions
On-the-Ground Only